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California: Air

The Air Resources Board will conduct a public meeting to consider the approval of staff§s proposed revisions to the Lower-Emission School Bus Program Guidelines and proposed funding allocations to local air districts for distribution to participating local school districts. The public hearing will be held March 27, 2008. Comments are due March 26, 2008.

District of Columbia: Air

The District Department of the Environmental will conduct a public hearing to solicit public comment on proposed SIP revisions regarding certain CAA requirements under §110(a)(2)(A)-(M). This SIP revision is a compilation of elements that describe how the District of Columbia is implementing the Fine Particulates NAAQS. The hearing will be held March 31, 2008.The District Department of the Environmental will conduct a public hearing to solicit public comment on proposed SIP revisions regarding certain CAA requirements under §110(a)(2)(A)-(M).

Idaho: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality will conduct a public hearing to consider the amendment of 58.01.12, Rules for Administration of Water Pollution Control Loans. This rulemaking has been initiated to provide flexibility to the Department of Environmental Quality in its use of loan fees to meet statewide planning needs, to reduce administrative burden on a majority of wastewater loan recipients, and to achieve administrative efficiency. The hearing will be held April 3, 2008.

Kentucky: Air

The Kentucky Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet will conduct a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed SIP revision that includes the pre-hearing draft of Kentucky§s Regional Haze SIP, which documents reasonable progress goals for Kentucky§s Class I area Mammoth Cave National Park and includes best available retrofit technology determinations. The hearing will be held April 7, 2008. Comments are due April 7, 2008.

Maine: Land use

The Board of Environmental Protection is soliciting public comment on the proposal to amend Ch. 1262, State-imposed Shoreland Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Steuben. This rule will amend the Official Shoreland Zoning Map for the Town of Steuben by removing a portion of the Resource Protection District from lots 5 through 9 of the "Tide Mill at Dyer Harbor" Subdivision on the east side of a cove off Dyer Harbor in Steuben so they can be rezoned for residential development. Comments are due April 11, 2008.

Michigan: Air

The Air Quality Division will hold a public hearing on a proposed revision to the Air Pollution Control Rules. The proposed amendments to R 336.1902 and R 336.1940 to R 336.1947 will adopt by reference the federal maximum available control technology standards. In addition, the proposed addition of R 336.1970 and R 336.1971 will provide the regulatory basis and methodology that affected sources must follow to comply with best available retrofit technology of the federal regional haze rules. The hearing will be held April 14, 2008. Comments are due April 14, 2008.