District of Columbia: Air

March 2008
The District Department of the Environmental will conduct a public hearing to solicit public comment on proposed SIP revisions regarding certain CAA requirements under §110(a)(2)(A)-(M). This SIP revision is a compilation of elements that describe how the District of Columbia is implementing the Fine Particulates NAAQS. The hearing will be held March 31, 2008.The District Department of the Environmental will conduct a public hearing to solicit public comment on proposed SIP revisions regarding certain CAA requirements under §110(a)(2)(A)-(M). This SIP revision is a compilation of elements that describe how the District of Columbia is implementing the Fine Particulates NAAQS. The hearing will be held March 31, 2008. http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/DCR/2008/february%202008/february%2029%202008/02-29-08_08.pdf?fn=document-frameset.htm$f=templates$3.0.