About ELR

ELR®—The Environmental Law Reporter® is an essential online research tool edited by attorneys that provides the most-often cited analysis of environmental, sustainability, natural resources, energy, toxic tort, and land use law and policy. ELR has three components:

  • ELR—The Environmental Law Reporter is the flagship publication that started it all. Formerly known as News & Analylsis, our in-depth, highly respected monthly journal covers pressing environmental topics in the legal practice and policy domain. Professionally edited by senior attorneys, articles offer insightful analysis across a broad spectrum of issues that are academically challenging and practice-relevant. In addition to thought-inspiring articles on cutting-edge topics, ELI members receive online access to over 50 years of archived research and commentaries from leading environmental professionals in the field. Each issue also contains carefully selected summaries of key judicial, legislative, administrative and state-level activities.
  • Updates in Brief provides expert summaries thrice monthly of the most important federal and state judicial and administrative developments as well as federal legislative and international news. Updates in Brief is delivered to your in-box three times a month, and the material is also accessible on our website. Perfect for those who want to stay current on the latest developments in environmental law.
  • ELR Online provides you with EVERYTHING that ELR has to offer. In addition to ELR—The Environmental Law Reporter and  ELR Update, ELR Online is a one-stop environmental law and policy research site and provides access to our entire collection dating back to 1970, including: court cases and summaries, legislative bills and reports, summaries of key environmental statutes, agency proposals and rulemakings, Executive Orders, EAB and ALJ decisions, guidance & policy documents, and DOJ consent decrees. ELI members also enjoy online access to all three volumes of the Law of Enviromental Protection.

ELR started publishing in January 1971 with a singular purpose:

The Reporter is being undertaken in response to the widely voiced request for legal research tools and basic information useful to those confronting environmental issues as advocates, counselors, government officials, and teachers. In attempting to serve this broad constituency, the Reporter will be designed to meet the standards of the specialized bar, although every reasonable effort will be made to assure that it is accessible to inexperienced users.

ELR continues that focus today by providing a single source for all aspects of environmental law and policy. The goal of ELR is to educate the profession, provide timely information, encourage constructive debate, and explore new areas of innovation and understanding in order to foster a healthy environment, prosperous economies, and vibrant communities founded on the rule of law.

We welcome submissions that meet ELR’s goals of education, debate, exploration and editorial excellence.

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