Welcome to ELR's Website!


As you familiarize yourself with the new website, please be aware of a few important changes in the way information is organized. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for people in different practice areas to access all our 40 years of material.


On the old ELR website, you used the links on the homepage to access our publications and tools.  You can now get to these through the red navigation bar towards the top of every page. For instance, to read the latest issue of News & Analysis, hover over the “Articles” tab and select “This Month’s News & Analysis.” To read the latest changes to state regulations, hover over “Administrative” and select “State Agency Weekly Updates.”

Using Volume/Issue Numbers

On the new homepage, material is organized by topic area rather than by document type. You can find the two latest cases or articles in any of our ten categories on the bottom half of the page.



Please note that Weekly Update is now split up into each of its sections. Though you will continue to receive Update in its entirety in your email, you can access weekly Case, Congress, State, and International materials individually using the navigation bar. To see materials from a specific Weekly Update issue, simply use the advanced search and enter the appropriate “Update Volume” and “Update Issue” numbers.


Navigating to Weekly Case Update



You can search for general terms across our entire site by using the grey search box above our navigation bar, and have the option of narrowing your results into any of ten topic areas.

To search for more specific information, click on the “Advanced Search” button. Here are a few key features:

  • “Keyword” searches for the selected text, similar to the main search bar, while “By Topic” searches for specific tags, terms chosen by ELR editors to accompany materials.  You can see what tags are available relevant to your search by typing in the first few letters of your term.
  • Please note: “By Location” searches state and international updates.
  • The volume and issue numbers can be used to search for material published in specific issues. The “News & Analysis” volume and issue numbers correspond to material published in our monthly journal, while “Update” volume and issue numbers can be used to search information that goes out weekly.
  • "By Document Type" allows you to search specific sections of all of our different publications, in addition to tools available on our website.

After performing a search, you can filter results by limiting items shown to certain document types or topics, or by searching items for certain text with the keyword box. You can also search within specific date ranges.

The “Subject Matter Index” is a convenient way to search cases and ELR News & Analysis articles. In this section, these documents are organized into ten topic areas, which are then organized into many sub-topics. Clicking the plus sign (+) next to a topic will show additional subtopics.

Subject Matter Index

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