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Texas: Toxic substances

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality adopted amendments to 30 TAC §281.19. The purpose of this rulemaking is to implement Senate Bill 1604, 80th Legislature, 2007, and its amendments to Chapter 401 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (the Texas Radiation Control Act). The bill transfers responsibilities for the regulation and licensing of source material recovery, by-product disposal, and commercial radioactive substances storage and processing from the Texas Department of State Health Services to the Commission.

Texas: Toxic substances

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality adopted amendments to numerous radiation control rules. The purpose of this rulemaking is to implement Senate Bill 1604, 80th Legislature, 2007, and its amendments to Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 401 the Texas Radiation Control Act ). This rulemaking intends to transfer the technical requirements for these programs from the Department's rules in 25 TAC §289.254 and §289.260 into new subchapters of the Commission's radioactive substance rules in Chapter 336.

Wyoming: Water

The Environmental Quality Council will hold a public hearing to consider proposed revisions to Chapter 17 of the Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations. The amended Chapter 17 will replace UST rules contained in the current Chapter 17 regulations. This is a created rule written in response to the federal Underground Storage Tank Compliance Act of 2005. The rule requires the licensing of operators of storage tanks, cathodic protection testers and corrosion experts, tank and line testers, and tank installers and decommissioning firms.

Arizona: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality conducted a public hearing on the proposed repeal, renumbering, adoption, and amendment of drinking water quality rules. The Department proposes this rulemaking for the purpose of maintaining primary enforcement authority of the SDWA for public water systems in Arizona. The hearings were held March 1 and 3, 2008. pp. 567-688.