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Texas: Water

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will conduct a public hearing on the proposal to amend §§230.1 - 230.3 and §230.9. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to implement Senate Bill 662, 80th Texas Legislature, 2007, by requiring certain plat applicants to transmit to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and any applicable groundwater conservation district (GCD) information that would be useful in performing GCD activities, conducting regional water planning, maintaining the TWDB's groundwater database, or conducting state studies on groundwater.

Texas: Water

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will conduct a public hearing on the proposal to amend §§293.11, 293.32, 293.41, 293.63, 293.201, and 293.202, concerning water districts. The proposed rulemaking would establish new requirements or revise existing requirements relating to the administration of water districts and the commission's supervision over districts' actions. The hearing will be held March 27, 2008. Comments are due March 31, 2008.

Utah: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Protection, Radiation Control, is soliciting public comment on changes to proposed rules that would require the submission of electronic copies of reports and other documentation sent to the Executive Secretary of the Radiation Control Board. Public comments were received and they have resulted in changes to the proposed rule. Comments are due March 31, 2008. pp. 34-35.

Wisconsin: Air

The Department of Natural Resources will hold public hearings on revisions to ch. NR 446, Wis. Adm. Code, relating to the establishment of provisions for coal-fired electric generating units in Wisconsin to limit mercury air emissions. The SIP developed under §285.11(6), Stats., is also being revised. The hearings will be held April 7, 2008. Comments are due April 14, 2008.

Alabama: Air

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management will conduct a public hearing to consider revisions to Division 3 rules concerning NESHAPs for source categories, designated emissions standards, and other air quality rules. The hearing will be held May 9, 2008. Comments are due May 9, 2008.

Alabama: Air

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management is providing the opportunity for interested persons to request a public hearing and comment on proposed revisions to the Alabama SIP to address regional haze issues in Alabama. If requested, a hearing will be held April 23, 2008. Comments are due April 25, 2008.

Alaska: Wildlife

On March 8, 2008, the Alaska Board of Fisheries adopted as emergency regulations changes in Title 5 of the Alaska Administrative Code dealing with a George Inlet guided sport ecotourism Dungeness crab fishery, aquarium stocking permit requirements, and statewide guided sport ecotourism fishing requirements including: 1) 5 AAC 41.500, a new regulation that allows for aquarium stocking and the requirements necessary for the use and application of an Aquarium stocking permit; 2) 5 AAC 41.599, a new regulation that defines terms used in 5 AAC 41; 3) 5 AAC 47.090, a new regulation that creates a su