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Tennessee: Waste

The Division of Remediation, on behalf of the Solid Waste Disposal Control Board, will hold a hearing to receive public comments regarding the promulgation of amendment of Chapter 1200-01-13, Hazardous Substance Site Remedial Action, List of Inactive Hazardous Substance Sites, which would add site number 37-507, Holliston Mills, Church Hill, Tennessee. The hearing will be held February 21, 2008.

Tennessee: Waste

The Division of Remediation, on behalf of the Solid Waste Disposal Control Board, will hold a hearing to receive public comments regarding the promulgation of amendment of Chapter 1200-01-13, Hazardous Substance Site Remedial Action, List of Inactive Hazardous Substance Sites, which would add site number 23-501, Solid Waste Disposal Co., Dyerburg, Tennessee. The hearing will be held February 19, 2008.

Utah: Climate Change

The Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, is soliciting public comment on the adoption of amendments to rule R638-2-6, Investment Tax Credit, Eligible Costs for Commercial and Residential Systems, Active Solar Thermal. The amendment would provide more flexibility in eligibility for tax credits for solar thermal systems that are used to heat pools. It would define and clarify the term "financial responsibility" as used in the Standards for the Management of Used Oil, Rule R315-15. Comments are due March 3, 2008.

Utah: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality is soliciting public comment on the adoption of amendments to Solid and Hazardous Waste rule R315-15-1, Applicability, Prohibitions, and Definitions. The purpose of this amendment is to define and clarify the term "financial responsibility" as used in the Standards for the Management of Used Oil, Rule R315-15. Comments are due March 3, 2008. pp. 16-19.

Utah: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality is soliciting public comment on the adoption of amendments to Solid and Hazardous Waste rule R315-15-10, Liability/Financial Requirements. The purpose of these changes is to clarify wording and make the rule consistent with other division programs. Comments are due March 3, 2008. pp. 19-21.

Utah: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality is soliciting public comment on the adoption of amendments to Solid and Hazardous Waste rule R315-15-11, Closure. The purpose of these changes is to clarify wording and make the rule consistent with other division programs. Comments are due March 3, 2008. pp. 21-23.

Utah: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality is soliciting public comment on the adoption of amendments to Solid and Hazardous Waste R315-15-12, Reclamation Surety. The purpose of this amendment is to provide clarity and consistency with other division programs regarding financial assurance. Comments are due March 3, 2008. pp. 23-28.

Virginia: Water

The State Water Control Board will hold a public meeting on amendments to the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation rules 9 VAC 25 § 720. The purpose of the meeting is to consider amending the nutrient waste load allocation established for Louisa County's Zion Crossroads sewage treatment plant. The meeting will be held March 8, 2007.

Washington: Water

The Department of Ecology will hold a public information workshop on updates to the Washington State Water Quality Assessment and 303(d) List. Information will be given on the process and tools to determine the 2008 Water Quality Assessment results. The meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2008.

Wisconsin: Waste

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, will hold public hearings on a proposed rule CR 07-116 that clarifies current rules related to rendering plants, animal food processors, grease processors, dead animal collectors, and carcass dealers, without making substantial changes. The rule also incorporates current federal regulations that prohibit the feeding of protein from mammalian tissues to cattle or other ruminants. The hearings are scheduled for February 20 and 22, 2008. Comments are due March 10, 2009.