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Wisconsin: Water

The Department of Natural Resources adopted an order affecting ch. NR 809, relating to Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, radionuclide, total coliform, and other rules and updating analytical methods for public water systems. The Department also adopted an order affecting ch. NR 140, relating to groundwater quality standards. The order became effective February 1, 2008. p. 34.

Utah: Land use

The Department of Natural Resources will conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Oil, Gas and Mining rule R645-300-100, Review, Public Participation, and Approval or Disapproval of Permit Applications and Permit Terms and Conditions. Numerous rules within Title R645 contain phrases such as "if required by the Division." The revisions would require the division to issue a written finding, with justification, for additional information required from a coal operator after their application for a permit, permit change, or permit renewal.

Utah: Land use

The Department of Natural Resources will conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Oil, Gas and Mining rule R645-301, Coal Mine Permitting: Permit Application Requirements. The purpose of this rule change is to provide reference to rules that will satisfy casing and sealing requirements of drill holes into coal mines and to modify coal mine permitting performance standards regarding ephemeral streams in conjunction with companion rulemaking in §R645-100-200. The hearing will be held February 27, 2008. Comments are due March 17, 2008.

Utah: Water

The Department of Natural Resources will conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Oil, Gas and Mining rule R645-100-200, Definitions. This rule amendment results from a request to study rules by the Utah Mining Association and a subsequent informal rulemaking process. The purpose of this rule change is to clarify the definition of intermittent stream as it currently includes attributes of ephemeral stream, another defined term. The hearing will be held February 27, 2008. Comments are due March 17, 2008.

Wisconsin: Land use

The Department of Natural Resources has issued a scoping statement for a rule change affecting Chapter NR 47, relating to grant funding for catastrophic storm damage caused to urban forests. The objective is to amend Chapter NR 47, Subchapter V, Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program, to establish the process to provide urban forestry grants to counties, cities, villages, towns, tribal governments, and §501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that have been affected by catastrophic storm events.

Arizona: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality cancelled the public hearing concerning the amendment of R18-2-610 and R18-2-611, Definitions for R18-2-611 and Agricultural PM10 General Permit, Maricopa PM10 Nonattainment Area, in order to finalize the exempt rulemaking implemented by the 48th Legislature, First Regular Session, 2007, Chapter 292, Senate Bill 1552, Section 20.

Arizona: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed rulemaking to establish a systematic and comprehensive framework for regulating solid waste facilities and solid waste streams in Arizona. This rulemaking would implement statutory provisions related to best management practices, self-certification requirements, plan approval procedures, financial assurance requirements, design and operation rules for solid waste facilities, and other topics. pp. 537-538.