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Louisiana: Wildlife

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries adopted an emergency rule closing the state's coastal shark fishery until Amendment 2 of the Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan becomes effective. The season closure ensures that compatible regulations are in effect while options are considered for future management of large coastal sharks in federal waters. p.1344.

Maine: Wildlife

The Maine Department of Marine Resources proposed to adopt Chapter 8.20, a rulemaking to institute trip level reporting by scallop harvesters. The rule would improve stock assessment information used to manage the state's scallop fishery. Public hearings will be held August 12 and 14, 2008. Comments are due August 25, 2008.

Maine: Wildlife

The Maine Department of Marine Resources amended Chapter 75, a regulation that addresses protected resources. The amendment establishes gear restrictions that comply with federal requirements. The changes apply to trap and pot fisheries as well as gillnet fisheries located inside the Maine Sliver Area and federal waters.

Maryland: Wildlife

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources proposed to amend COMAR 08.02.11, a regulation governing fishing in nontidal waters. The amendment aims to contain the rusty crayfish within its current distribution. The changes prohibit a person from catching any species of crayfish, using any live species of crayfish as bait, or possessing any live species of crayfish while fishing in the Middle Potomac and Susquehanna River basins. Comments are due August 18, 2008.

Massachusetts: Land use

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) proposed to adopt new regulations to 301 CMR 13.00, a rule governing public benefit determination. The additional regulations would implement changes made in Chapter 168 that exempt uses and structures in landlocked tidelands from M.G.L. c. 91 licensing requirements. The new regulations would also require the Secretary of EEA to issue a public benefit determination for certain projects in waterfront and landlocked tidelands. A public hearing will be held August 7, 2008. Comments are due September 5, 2008.

Rhode Island: Air

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Resources, gives notice of a public hearing regarding the adoption of the Providence Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan and proposed amendments to Air Pollution Control Regulations Number 9, 11, 22, and 36. The hearing will be held August 8, 2008. Comments are due August 8, 2008.