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Oregon: Air

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality proposes to amend air quality regulations. The changes would ensure that the state's NESHAPs and new source performance standards will be consistent with EPA guidelines. Public hearings will be held on August 18, 19, and 21, 2008. Comments are due August 26, 2008.

Rhode Island: Climate Change

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Resources, adopted Air Pollution Control Regulations 46 and 47, rules establishing a carbon trading program and a mechanism to auction and sell carbon allowances. The regulations apply to any unit that has served as an electricity generator with a nameplate capacity equal to or greater than 25 MWe since January 1, 2005. The carbon trading program will go into effect July 22, 2008.

Tennessee: Air

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Air Pollution Control, gives notice of a public hearing on proposed changes to Section 68-201-105 of the Tennessee Code Annotated. These amendments would revise regulations for bio-mass fired cogeneration plants to reflect federal changes to 40 CFR §96.202. The hearing will be held August 25, 2008.

Utah: Air

The Utah Department of Environmental Quality proposes to amend R 307-110-28, a rule addressing regional haze. These amendments would revise sulfur dioxide milestones and the existing backstop trading program to reflect changes to the federal regional haze rule. Comments are due July 31, 2008. pp. 34-35.

Utah: Water

The Utah Department of Environmental Quality proposes to amend R 317-2, a rule governing state water quality standards. As a part of the triennial review required under the CWA, the amendments would modify total dissolved solids and E. coli standards, revise antidegradation review procedures, and add chronic ammonia standards and standards for two additional organic pollutants. A hearing will be held August 19, 2008. Comments are due August 20, 2008. pp.

West Virginia: Air

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality, proposes to repeal 45CSR1, a rule governing the control and reduction of nitrogen oxides from non-electric generating units. A public hearing will be held August 11, 2008. Comments are due August 11, 2008.

Wisconsin: Wildlife

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources gives notice of public hearings on July 30 and 31, 2008, to discuss proposed revisions to Chapter NR 25 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. The amendments would create an electronic fish harvest reporting system to replace the current biweekly paper reporting system, establish a fleet reporting system, eliminate the tagging of imported lake trout, limit roe harvesting, and allow for permit authorization to place open water nets on Lake Superior during winter months.

Wisconsin: Wildlife

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources gives notice of public hearings on revisions to Chapters NR 190, 191, 195, and 198 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. These regulations address aquatic invasive species prevention and control grants. The proposed amendments would increase maximum grant awards and create incentives for projects that integrate aquatic invasive species control with other environmental protections. The hearings will be held July 22, 23, 30, and August 5, 2008. Comments are due August 29, 2008.

Arizona: Air

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality adopted a rule to amend Title 18. The amendment requires a visual inspection "liquid fuel leak" test as part of vehicle emissions inspections and maintenance programs in Phoenix and Tucson to help these areas meet and maintain NAAQS for ozone. pp. 2834-2858.

Arizona: Water

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on the 2008 Groundwater Protection List (GWPL) draft of active ingredients in pesticides that may potentially pollute groundwater. The draft GWPL contains 72 active ingredients, including three new ingredients: triclopyr; chlorantraniliprole; and mandipropamid. Comments are due August 18, 2008. pp. 2865-2867.