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North Carolina: Water

The North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission has initiated rulemaking procedures to change three general permits for estuarine shoreline stabilization. Also, the Commission will amend administrative rules that govern coastal wetlands, procedures for variance petitions, and guidelines for local governments for providing public access to ocean beaches and public trust waters. A public hearing will be held September 24, 2008. pp. 200-212.

Oregon: Air

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality proposed to adopt standards in Chapter 340 that implement or exceed amended federal air quality regulations. The expected result of this rule is the maintenance of Oregon's delegation of the federal standards, the use of low mercury coal and/or mercury controls in Oregon, and the reduction of benzene emissions in Oregon.

Tennessee: Waste

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Underground Storage Tanks, filed a rulemaking hearing notice amending Chapter 1200-01-15, the Underground Storage Tank Program, to alter provisions relating to release detection and sampling for tank closure.