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Delaware: Air

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Air Quality Management Section, held a public workshop discussing draft Regulation No. 1147 designed to establish Delaware's portion of a 10-state, carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. The workshop was to educate the public and affected industry on the draft regulation and to receive input aiding the development of a formal proposal. The workshop was held August 7, 2008.

Delaware: Wildlife

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Division of Fish and Wildlife proposed two rules changing the registration of saltwater and freshwater anglers and providing saltwater angler information to the federal National Marine Fisheries Service. This will allow Delaware to remain exempt from federal licensing programs. A public hearing on this rule will be held August 27, 2008. Written comments will be accepted until August 30, 2008.

Georgia: Water

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources proposed six TMDLs for portions of the Coosa, Tallapoosa, and Tennessee River basins, focusing on sediment and fecal coliform. The agency also proposed additions to the area covered by the commercial fishing bans due to unsafe levels of PCBs. Written public comments about the TMDLs are due August 25, 2008. Public hearings will be August 14, 15, and 18, 2008.

Kansas: Water

The Kentucky Division of Water will hold a public hearing on August 21, 2008, to discuss amending regulations pertaining to operations of wastewater systems, cooling water intake structures for certain structures, and pretreatment requirements from POTWs.