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California: Wildlife

The California Fish and Game Commission proposed to amend Title 14, a regulation governing Dungeness crab fishing. The amendment would modify open season dates for the crab fishery in three counties. A hearing will be held September 5, 2008. Comments are due August 22, 2008. pp. 1236-1239.

Connecticut: Air

The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection seeks public comment on revisions to its SIP. The amendments would incorporate fine particulate matter NAAQS attainment demonstration. A public hearing will be held August 21, 2008. Comments are due August 22, 2008.

Delaware: Air

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Council, Division of Air and Waste Management, proposed to adopt a new rule as a part of Regulation 1138, a regulation addressing emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories. The regulation would incorporate EPA's lead acid battery manufacturing standard into the state's air permits.