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California: Water

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) will hold a public hearing on proposed amendment to 27 CCR §252043, Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act. These amendments would provide that the Safe Use Determinations shall have presumptive effect, increase the filing fee for a Safe Use Determination request from $500 to $1000 to better cover the costs of initial review of the requests, and impose a time limit of 60 days for submission of additional material requested by OEHHA. The hearing will be held November 7, 2008. Comments are due November 21, 2008.

California: Water

The State Water Resources Control Board will hold a scoping meeting to seek input on the scope and content of the environmental information that should be considered in a proposed amendment to the Policy for Implementation of Toxics Standards for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California to establish water quality objectives for cadmium and related implementation methods. The meeting will be held October 6, 2008.

District of Columbia: Toxic substances

The District Department of the Environment adopted amendments to Title 20, Chapter 22 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, Control of Pesticides. The amendments require notification and posting by pesticide operators of basic contact information, notice of pesticide application, and pesticide risk information to better inform the public.

Florida: Air

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection scheduled a workshop on proposed new rule 62-285.421, Clean Diesel Rebate Program. The rule would establish a process for the distribution of rebate funds to owners of qualifying Class 8 trucks who have purchased an auxiliary power unit in the year 2009 or later from funding initially provided by EPA's State Clean Diesel Grant Program. The workshop will be held October 14, 2008.

Florida: Waste

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection adopted changes to 62-730.171, Transfer Facilities; 62-730.182, Criteria to Determine Whether Changes Constitute a "Substantial Modification" at Certain Existing Hazardous Waste Facilities That Are Otherwise Exempt From Statutory Location Standards; and 62-730.900 Forms. The changes include new definitions for required distances between hazardous waste containers. pp.

Florida: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public meeting to discuss possible changes to Chapter 62-709, F.A.C., Solid Waste Composting. These changes may include the development of registrations or general permits for compost facilities using yard trash, manure, and vegetative food wastes as feedstocks to their processes, as well as requirements for proper operation of these facilities and any necessary testing requirements. The hearing will be held October 2, 2008.

Georgia: Land use

The Georgia Land Conservation Council adopted rules 305-1-.01 through 305-1-.06, creating the Georgia Land Conservation Program. The purpose of the program is to promote partnerships for the conservation of land resources that are identified by cities or counties as locally valuable or identified by the Department of Natural Resources as having statewide significance, as well as to promote alternative land conservation funding options in cooperation with private, non-profit, and tax exempt organizations, which will augment currently available local, state, and federal funding.