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New Mexico: Toxic substances

The Environment Department will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 20.5.17 NMAC, Corrective Action Fund Administration.

Ohio: Air

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed new and amended rules in Chapter 3745-21, Air Pollution. The new rules and amendments in this proposal are based on control technology guidelines (CTGs) issued by U.S. EPA in 2006 and 2007. The CTG-based rules are intended to address federal requirements and, along with the other rules in this submittal, to assist in achieving and maintaining the ozone NAAQS. The proposed new rules would apply to the eight moderate nonattainment counties located in the Cleveland/Akron, Ohio, metropolitan area.

Texas: Energy

The Public Utility Commission of Texas adopted an amendment to §25.173, relating to the Goal for Renewable Energy. The amendment will implement Public Utility Regulatory Act §39.904(m-1) and (m-2), which allow customers taking electric service at transmission-level voltage to opt out of the renewable energy portfolio standard program and direct the commission to establish the reporting requirements and a schedule associated with opting out of this program.

Utah: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Quality has adopted amendments to R313-22-75, Special Requirements for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair, or Distribute Commodities, Products, or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material; and R313-32, Medical Use of Radioactive Material. The changes incorporate certain requirements for nuclear pharmacists; specifically, a preceptor training document is now required before the person can be added to a radioactive materials license; and incorporate new federal regulations.

Virginia: Water

The Board for Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators and Onsite Sewage System Professionals will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 18VAC160-20, Board for Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators Regulations. The goal of the changes is to transfer the existing Department of Health regulatory program for onsite soil evaluators to the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation and to establish a new regulatory program for onsite sewage system installers and operators with a minimum adverse impact on commerce. The hearing will be February 5, 2009.

California: Air

The South Coast Air Quality Management District scheduled a public workshop regarding Proposed Amended Rule 1469, Hexavalent Chromium Emissions from Chromium Electroplating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations. The amendment reduces hexavalent chromium emissions generated at facilities performing hard or decorative chromium electroplating, or chromic acid anodizing. The rule establishes emission limitations and housekeeping requirements. The workshop will be held October 2, 2008. Comments are due October 16, 2008.

California: Waste

The California Integrated Waste Management Board will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 27 CCR §20921, Environmental Protection Division: Solid Waste. The proposed changes would modify existing regulations governing landfill gas monitoring and control programs at solid waste disposal sites, adjusting the compliance deadlines to provide additional time for the submittal of monitoring and control program plans that meet state standards and specifying submittal and implementation timeframes. The hearing will be held October, 29, 2008. Comments are due October 27, 2008.