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Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife will hold two public hearings on proposed changes to Chapter 1, Open Water and Ice Fishing Regulations. The changes would simplify and consolidate open water and ice fishing regulations. The hearings will be October 7 and 8, 2008. Comments are due October 20, 2008.

Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Marine Resources will hold two public hearings on proposed changes to Chapter 7, Requirements for Municipalities having Shellfish Conservation Programs, and 7.70, Intertidal Mussel Harvesting by Drag or Dredge.

Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Marine Resources will hold a public hearing on additions to Chapter 16.26, Receiving Shellfish. The proposed regulations would update the physical plant rules for certified shellfish dealers with regard to receiving shellfish at their permanent facility. These proposed regulations would provide for compliance and consistency with the federal National Shellfish Sanitation Program Model Ordinance under the federal Food and Drug Administration. The hearings will be October 15, 2008.

Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Marine Resources adopted rules Chapter 8, Landings Program: 8.20(O), Harvester Reporting, Scallop Harvest; Chapter 11, Scallops: 11.02, Reporting; and 11.10(B), Atlantic Sea Scallops, Minimum Size; Chapter 15, General Shellfish Sanitation Requirements: 15.37, Buying Station; and 15.03(B)(2), Regulated Activity; Chapter 25, Lobster and Crab: 25.93(F)(1)(b)(iii), Exit Ratios for Limited Entry Zones-Zone F (5:1, based on trap tags); Chapter 25, Lobster and Crab: 25.93(F)(1)(b)(iv), Exit Ratios for Limited Entry Zones-Zone G (5:1, based on trap tags); Chapter 34, Groundfish Regul

Maryland: Water

The Secretary of the Environment proposed to amend COMAR 26.08.01, General, and COMAR 26.08.04, Permits, and to adopt new regulation under COMAR 26.08.03, Discharge Limitations. The purpose of this action is to update water pollution definitions and requirements for discharge permits governing animal feeding operations and to establish a new regulation regarding chicken discharges from certain poultry growers.

Massachusetts: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold two public hearings on proposed amendments to 310 CMR 7.02, Plan Approval and Emission Limitations, and 310 CMR 7.03, Plan Approval Exemption: Construction Requirements.

Minnesota: Water

The Department of Natural Resources will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to Minnesota Rules, Chapter 6280, Aquatic Plants and Nuisances.

Missouri: Governance

The Department of Natural Resources proposes new rule 10 CSR 70-9.010, Conservation Equipment Incentive Program Eligibility and Funding Requirements. This rule establishes commission guidelines for use and availability of the department§s Conservation Equipment Incentive Program, including establishing applicant eligibility, approval of applications, and acceptable conservation equipment. p. 1702.