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Kentucky: Air

The Energy and Environment Cabinet will hold a public hearing on 401 KAR 52:081, Repeal of 401 KAR 52:080. The proposed regulation will repeal 401 KAR 52:080, Regulatory Limit on Potential to Emit. This regulation established source applicability requirements for Title V permitting exemptions, allowing sources to obtain state-origin permits. The repeal is necessary because these sources will be required to transition to either a Title V permit under 401 KAR 52:020, or a Conditional Major permit under 401 KAR 52:030. The hearing will be held October 28, 2008.

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality amended LAC 33:III.523, 2107, 2108, 2511, 2521, 2531, and 5113, Air Regulations. The amendments change a variety of timeframes for submitting reports of results following the completion of performance testing so that all reports are due 60 days after the completion of testing. pp. 1903-4.

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to LAC 33:III.223, Air Regulations. The proposed changes will promulgate language consistent with department policy, clarify language for applicants, apply consistency within the asbestos and lead programs, and allow processing time for an increase in the number of persons applying for accreditation and for the entering of required information into the department§s mainframe database by a support group. Fees have not been modified.

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to LAC 33:III. Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, and 25, Air Quality SIP. The revisions include amendments to various air quality regulations that were previously promulgated in 2007 but were not previously included in other revisions to the SIP. The hearing will be October 29, 2008. pp. 1969-71.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to LAC 33:V.4901, Hazardous Waste Regulations. The proposed rule is identical to federal regulations found in 73 Fed. Reg. 31756-31769. This rule exempts certain wastewater sludges from the motor vehicle manufacturing of automobiles and light duty vans, pick-up trucks, minivans, and sport utility vehicles from classification as hazardous waste, provided that the sludges are placed in a permitted, lined industrial solid waste landfill.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to LAC 33:V.105, 109, and 3105, Hazardous Waste Regulations. The proposed rule is identical to federal regulations found in 73 Fed. Reg. 57-72. This rule contains specific amendments required by EPA for the state to request further authorization for the hazardous waste program. The amendments concern the exclusion of oil-bearing secondary materials processed in a gasification system to produce synthesis gas and NESHAPs for hazardous waste combustors.

Louisiana: Waste

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality extended the comment period on the draft proposed regulations LAC 33:IX.101, 701, 703, 708, 715, 1701, 1703, 1705, 1707, 1709, 1711, 1799, 1901, 2313, 2501, 2903, 6509, 6701, 6703, 6705, 6707, 6709, 7305, 7307, and 7395; and XV.1404 regarding centralized waste treatment facilities also treating exploration and production waste. Comments are now due November 14, 2008. pp. 1972.

Louisiana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality has amended LAC 33:IX.2701, Water Quality Regulations. The rule will allow permittees the option of submitting discharge monitoring reports electronically through an electronic document receiving system in lieu of submitting them on paper. p. 1186.

Maine: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Chapter 150, Control of Emissions from Outdoor Wood Boilers; and Chapter 160, Outdoor Wood Boiler Replacement and Buy Back Program. The amendments incorporate requirements for outdoor pellet boilers including setback from neighboring properties and minimum stack height. Outdoor pellet boilers are also subject to other requirements including nuisance conditions, visible emissions standards, and approved fuel.

Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Marine Resources will hold public hearings on proposed rules Chapter 11, Scallops: 11.09, Atlantic Sea Scallop Harvesting Season; 11.10(F), Atlantic Sea Scallops, Daily Possession Limit; 11.10(G), Atlantic Sea Scallops Harvested Seaward of Maine§s Territorial Waters; and 11.10 (H), Closed Areas. The proposed amendments would establish a season to start no earlier than December 1 and end no later than March 31. The proposed recommended days "on" would be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday in the months of December, January, and February.