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Tennessee: Water

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation will hold two public hearings on amendments to 1200-05-01, Public Water Systems.

Wyoming: Water

The Wyoming Environmental Quality Council will hold a public hearing on proposed revisions to Chapter 1, Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations - Surface Water Quality Standards. The proposed revisions are directly related to Section 20, Agricultural Water Supply, in the form of a new appendix that serves to interpret the Section 20 narrative standard into procedures for setting effluent limits and conditions in Wyoming Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits. The hearing will be held October 28, 2008.

Alabama: Waste

The Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) will hold a public hearing on proposed revisions to Divisions 1 and 13 of the ADEM Administrative Code. The revisions would establish procedures for the disbursement of recycling grants to local governments, authorities, and nonprofit organizations for use in developing, implementing, and enhancing local recycling, reuse, and waste minimization projects and programs. The hearing will be held November 17, 2008.

Arizona: Air

The Pinal County Air Quality Control District proposed a new set of PM10-related construction rules for that portion of the county that lies within the Phoenix Planning Area serious PM10 nonattainment area--Apache Junction Township, Township 1 North, Range 8 East, Gila and Salt River Base, and Meridian, Arizona.

California: Land use

The California Pollution Control Financing Authority will hold a public hearing on a proposal to add Sections 8102 through 8102.15 and to amend Sections 8090 through 8101 of the California Code of Regulations. These regulations create a brownfield cleanup financing program. The proposed CALReUSE Remediation Program will provide grants and loans to clean up brownfields that promote residential and mixed use development consistent with regional and local land use plans. The hearing will be held November 12, 2008.

Colorado: Air

The Air Quality Control Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a proposal from the Denver Metropolitan Areas Regional Air Quality Council, the North Front Range Transportation & Air Quality Planning Council, and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division to adopt an ozone action plan for the Denver Metropolitan and North Front Range 8-hour ozone nonattainment area. The hearing will be held December 11, 2008.

Colorado: Climate Change

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission will hold two public hearings on proposed amendments to CCR 723-3-3650 through 3665, Renewable Electric Standard (RES). The purpose of the proposed rulemaking would be to revaluate rules concerning the applicability of the Commission's small generator interconnection procedures to cooperative electric utilities and to modify and clarify the complete body of RES rules to address issues made evident by experience with the RES to date. The hearings will be held December 8 and 9, 2008.

Delaware: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control adopted 7 Del. Admin. Code 1138, Section 11.0, Area Source Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Standard. The adopted rules update Delaware's requirements to bring the state into compliance with federal standards. Additionally, minor non-substantive changes were made to provide better clarity and a fuller understanding of the regulatory language.

Delaware: Waste

The Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA) will conduct a hearing to consider amendments to the Regulations of the Delaware Solid Waste Authority. Significant highlights include changes to licensing requirements, including a new license requirement for haulers of dry waste; a requirement that contractors with certain governmental entities use DSWA facilities for the disposal of certain waste; a requirement that owners and operators of recycling programs and facilities file an annual registration statement; and numerous textual and definitional changes to the current regulations.