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Rhode Island: Water

The Department of Environmental Management amended the Stormwater Design and Installation Standards Manual to implement the Smart Development for a Cleaner Bay Act of 2007. Changes are intended to minimize the impact of stormwater on stream channels, water quality, groundwater, and wetland habitats by updating the 1993 legislation to include new science and engineering practices. The rule will take effect December 28, 2010.

Texas: Air

The Commission on Environmental Quality amended 30 Tex. Admin. Code §§114.2, 114.51, and 114.64, and repealed of §114.52, as revisions to the SIP for air pollution from motor vehicles. Changes attempt to help dealerships and inspection stations comply with state and federal laws. The changes took effect December 13, 2010. pp. 10989-92.

Texas: Toxic substances

The Commission on Environmental Quality proposed to amend 30 Tex. Admin. Code §213.31, Discharge of Pesticides. The change is in response to a circuit court decision that provided that NPDES permits are not required to discharge pesticides over state waters. The amendment would move regulation of this pesticide discharge from the NPDES permit program to the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System. There will be a hearing January 6, 2011, and the comment period closes January 14.

Texas: Water

The Railroad Commission of Texas adopted amendments to 16 Tex. Admin. Code §1.5, Carbon Dioxide (CO2). The purpose of the proposed rules is to protect underground sources of drinking water while promoting the capture and storage of anthropogenic CO2. The rule took effect December 20, 2010. pp. 11202-23.

Utah: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend R309-520, Facility Design and Operation: Disinfection. Changes would address specific design and construction standards for seven types of disinfection processes. The deadline for comments is January 14, 2011, and the rule change may become effective on January 21. pp. 8-19.

Washington: Climate Change

The Department of Ecology amended Wash. Admin. Code §173.401.200 to mandate greenhouse gas reporting. Beginning January 1, 2011, sources with an air operating permit must report their greenhouse gas emissions when revising or renewing this permit. Beginning July 1, 2011, sources that have the potential to emit 100,000 tons per year or more of greenhouse gases become subject to the air operating permit program, regardless of their emissions of other pollutants. These newly subject sources must apply for an air operating permit on or before July 1, 2012.

Wisconsin: Air

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to revise Wis. Admin. Code Chapters NR 30, 429, 502, and 506, relating to open burning requirements. Small amounts of certain types of rubbish are exempt from the statewide prohibition on open burning, but the terms "small" and "rubbish" are not defined. The revisions would define both terms. In addition, changes would address inconsistencies between air, forestry, and solid waste rules. p. 15.