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Colorado: Waste

The Department of Public Safety adopted 8 Colo. Code. Regs. §1507.25, Rules and Regulations Concerning the Permitting, Routing, & Transportation of Hazardous and Nuclear Materials in the Intrastate Transportation of Agricultural Products in the State of Colorado. Regulation changes reflect changes to port of entry nuclear materials inspection and investigative authorities, changes to rules governing the issuance of nuclear materials transportation permits, and updates to current federal regulations.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board proposed to amend Cal. Code Regs. tit. 17, §94006, relating to the list of equipment defects that substantially impair the effectiveness of gasoline vapor recovery systems. The defects listed are substantial enough to warrant the removal of the fueling point from service until the defect is repaired. Changes would incorporate defects certified in executive orders and add new defect verification procedures. The deadline for comment is July 20, 2011.

Maine: Energy

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend Ch. 375, No Adverse Environmental Effect Standard of the Site Location Law, §10, Control of Noise, Sound Level Limits and Measurements for Wind Turbine Projects. There will be a public hearing on July 7, 2011, and the deadline for comment is July 18.