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Idaho: Energy

The Department of Lands temporarily amended Idaho Admin. Code 20.03.15, pertaining to geothermal leases. Changes include extending lease terms up to 49 years, negotiating rent and royalty based on market rates, increasing lease size to cover an entire project, and setting bond amounts based on reasonable reclamation costs. There will be a public hearing July 28, 2011, and the deadline for written comment is July 26. pp. 127-32.

Idaho: Water

The Department of Lands proposed to amend Idaho Admin. Code 20.03.15, Conservation of Crude Oil and Natural Gas in the State of Idaho. Changes relate to well treatments and hydraulic fracturing, as well as bond rates. There will be public hearings July 20 and 21, and the deadline for written comment is July 26. p. 133.

Idaho: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.02, Water Quality Standards. Changes relate to the implementation of antidegradation policy. Revisions include adding definitions for "degradation or lower water quality" and "general permit" as well as language on Tier II waters and insignificant activity. The deadline for written comment is August 5. pp. 140-274.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality amended La. Admin. Code §33:VII.115, 513, 521, 711, 713, 715, 717, 721, 723 and 725, Emergency Response for Solid Waste Facilities. Changes would allow the Department to implement the revised requirements for emergency response standards at solid waste facilities. Revised requirements relate to ensuring that capabilities are in place for first responders in the event of accident, fire, explosion, or other emergency at these facilities. pp.