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Illinois: Air

The Pollution Control Board amended 35 Ill. Admin. Code §240, Mobile Sources. Changes exempt model year 1995 and older vehicles from inspection, replace the transient loaded mode emissions inspection test with the on-board diagnostic inspection test as the primary test, and maintain the steady-state idle exhaust gas analysis and evaporative system integrity emissions tests as secondary emissions tests. Changes took effect March 18, 2011.

Kentucky: Water

The Energy and Environment Cabinet proposed to amend 401 Ky. Admin. Regs. 51:052, Review of new sources in or impacting upon nonattainment areas. Changes relate to calculating offsets for operating hours and source shutdowns. There will be a public hearing April 26, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is May 2.

Maine: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection amended Ch.118, Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Vapor Control. Changes repeal the January 2012 Stage II requirements for vapor controls and implement new controls to compensate for increased volatile organic compound emissions. The chapter now requires the Department to install and test pressure/vacuum vent caps on gasoline dispensing facilities by January 1, 2012, as one of the measures used to address this requirement.

Maine: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection amended Ch. 425, Asbestos Management Regulations. Changes would promote the use of "risk-based" standards to regulate asbestos more effectively in areas of greatest risk for exposure and integrate changes to standard industry practice that have evolved over the past six years. The amendment took effect April 3, 2011.

Mississippi: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Regulations for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality. Changes would remove provisions excluding certain amendments to 40 C.F.R. §52.21 from the regulation. There will be a public hearing April 21, 2011.

New Mexico: Air

The Environmental Improvement Board proposed to revise N.M. Code §§20.2.73 and 20.2.81, to conform those rules to federal requirements for regional haze. The plan establishes requirements for state rules to meet the requirements of 40 C.F.R. §51.309, including a determination of best available retrofit technology for nitrogen oxides. There will be a public hearing on June 1, 2011.

Oregon: Climate Change

The Land Conservation and Development Department proposed to adopt Or. Admin. R. 660.044, Metropolitan Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets. Changes would set light vehicle greenhouse gas emissions targets for the state's metropolitan areas for 2035. The targets are designed to guide local governments in land use and transportation planning to help the state achieve 2050 targets of greenhouse gas emissions 75% below 1990 levels. The guidelines encourage metropolitan areas to use the standards required of Portland.

Oregon: Energy

The Department of Energy amended Or. Admin. R. 330.160, which relates to the renewable energy portfolio standard. Changes recognize the Low Impact Hydropower Institute as the national agency to certify hydroelectric facilities as low impact. The rule was certified on February 22, 2011. pp. 70-72.