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Arizona: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to repeal 18 Ariz. Admin. Code 2.18, Clean Car Standards. Arizona originally adopted the measure based on the Climate Change Advisory Group§s Recommendation for reducing greenhouse gases, based on California's low emission vehicle program, but the department proposed eliminating the measure as new federal standards are similar to California's requirements. In addition, according to the department, the zero emission vehicle mandate is too costly or impractical for Arizona.

Illinois: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources amended 17 Ill. Admin. Code 1010, Illinois List of Endangered and Threatened Fauna. Changes add language to state that species or subspecies designated as federally endangered or threatened are included on the list and add the Northern Riffleshell to the list as a result of the department's reintroduction of the species into two Illinois streams. The change took effect February 22, 2011.

New Jersey: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to adopt N.J. Admin. Code §7.1B, Waiver of Department Rules, to establish the conditions and procedures for the Department to approve waivers from strict compliance with its rules. A waiver may be granted if rules conflict, a rule is unduly burdensome in specific application, or a net environmental benefit would be realized. There will be a public hearing April 14, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is May 6. 43 N.J.R. 473(a).

Maryland: Land use

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to amend Md. Code Regs. 08.07.05, Woodland Incentive Program. Changes would remove the prohibition on utilizing federal funds in conjunction with State Woodland Incentive funds. The deadline for comment is April 11, 2011. pp. 399-400.