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West Virginia: Air

The Division of Air Quality proposed to amend W. Va. Admin. Code §22.5.4, Ambient Air Quality Standards, Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, Control of Air Pollution from Combustion of Solid Waste, and five other sections. In addition, the Division proposed the repeal of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Program. There will be a public hearing on July 11, 2011.

California: Land Use

The Board of Forestry and Fire Protection proposed to amend Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14, §§913, 939.15, & 959.15, Aspen, Meadow and Wet Area Restoration. Changes add a new sivicultural special prescription which states the requirements for projects that harvest, remove, or otherwise treat commercial conifer trees in aspen stands, meadows, or wet areas for purposes of restoring habitat, ecological, and range values. pp. 999-1002.

Florida: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed changes to 62 Fla. Admin. Code §62.212.400, Stationary Sources-Preconstruction Review. Changes would exclude some facilities that produce ethanol by natural fermentation, including some ethanol fuel production facilities, from being considered a §chemical process plant§ for purposes of qualifying for an exemption from the state's prevention of significant deterioration air permitting rules. The deadline for comment is July 27, 2011.