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Texas: Air

The Commission on Environmental Quality repealed 30 Tex. Admin. Code §116.118, which addresses facilities that were exempted from obtaining an authorization to emit air contaminants under Texas Health and Safety Code §382.0518(g) and how these facilities could meet the requirements of the qualified facility rules. EPA published in the Federal Register that it intended to disapprove of this rule as a revision of the SIP. The rule took effect March 17, 2011. pp.

Utah: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Utah Admin. Code r. 309-800, Capacity Development Program. Changes authorize the Executive Secretary to the Drinking Water Board to require a capacity assessment of water systems applying for the State Revolving Fund. The deadline for public comment is April 18, 2011, and the rule may become effective on May 18. pp. 72-75.

Florida: Water

The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services proposed to amend 5M Fla. Admin. Code §13.001, Best Management Practices for Florida Specialty Fruit and Nut Crop Operations. Changes would implement best management practices to ensure that certain agricultural discharges have minimal individual or cumulative adverse impacts to state water resources. The deadline for public comment is April 6, 2011.

South Carolina: Air

The Department of Health and Environmental Control proposed to develop a permit for fuel combustion operations. For purposes of this permit, fuel combustion operations are defined as any facility or plant that only has fuel combustion operations meeting or under a 30 million BTU/hr rated input capacity and is fired on only natural gas, propane, virgin fuel oil, used specification oil, and biodiesel. The deadline for comment is April 25, 2011.

Texas: Toxic substances

The Commission on Environmental Quality amended 30 Tex. Admin. Code §213.31, Discharge of Pesticides. The change is in response to a circuit court decision that provided that NPDES permits are not required to discharge pesticides over state waters. The amendment moves regulation of this pesticide discharge from the NPDES permit program to the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System. The amendment took effect March 31, 2011. pp. 1985-87.

Delaware: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control amended 7 Del. Admin. Code 1142, Control of NOx Emissions from Industrial Boilers and Process Heaters at Petroleum Refineries. These amendments are based on an agreement between the Department and the Delaware City Refining Company, LLC, which states that the Department will propose to revise §2.0 of 7 Del. Admin. Code 1142 to provide for a facility-wide NOx emission cap compliance alternative to the existing unit specific NOx emission limitations.