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Virginia: Land use

The Virginia Department of Mines Minerals and Energy intends to amend Virginia's coal surface mining reclamation regulations to make them consistent with federal regulations on topsoil redistribution and revegetation, to allow natural stream restoration design, and to clarify requirements. Public comments may be submitted until October 3, 2008. pp. 3334-45.

Washington: Climate Change

The Washington Department of Ecology is in the pre-proposal stages of adopting an emissions performance standard for greenhouse gases for electric generation and seeking methods of reducing climate change through sequestration and performance standards. The rule will be drafted and reviewed by a stakeholder group internally before public participation is requested.

Alabama: Air

The Department of Environmental Management adopted amendments to a number of its air regulations, including 335-3-11-.06, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories; 335-3-11A-.02, Designated Emissions Standards; 335-.-11-.02, Designated Standards of Performance; and Division 335-3, Appendix C, Environmental Protection Agency Regulation Reference Documents for New Source Performance Standards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.

Florida: Water

The Northwest Florida Water Management District will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Rules 40A-2.051, Exemptions; and 40A-2.901, Forms. The purpose and effect of the proposed rule development is to reduce the permitting requirements for water users whose withdrawals pose minimal impact to the water resources, minimize non-potable demands on potable water supplies, promote use of the lowest quality water suitable for the intended purpose, and include statutory permit language. The hearing will be January 14, 2009.

Florida: Water

The Suwannee River Water Management District will hold a public hearing on several proposed amendments dealing with land acquisition and management. The changes proposed clarify the district's authority and responsibility to acquire and manage real property interests and set forth the specific activities allowed on district lands and the specific restrictions on those allowed uses. The hearing will be January 13, 2009. pp.