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Texas: Water

The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board adopted amendments to §§523.1 - 523.4 and §523.6, pertaining to the abatement of agricultural and silvicultural non-point source pollution. These rules include the State Board's scope and jurisdiction, as well as the process by which the State Board identifies problem areas related to agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint source pollution.

Washington: Toxic substances

The Department of Ecology will hold three public hearings on proposed amendments to Chapter 173-183 WAC, Preassessment Screening and Oil Spill Compensation Schedule. The amendments would change the natural resource damage liability formula multipliers and multiplier descriptions used for calculating damages from oil spills into marine and estuarine waters, the Columbia River estuary, freshwater wetlands, and freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes. The hearings will be January 27 and 28, and February 2, 2009.

Washington: Water

The Department of Ecology adopted amendments to Chapter 173-160 WAC, Minimum Standards for Construction and Maintenance of Wells. The purpose of the rulemaking is to amend Chapter 173-160 WAC, Minimum Standards for Construction and Maintenance of Wells. These standards identify specific construction requirements that all wells must meet in order to protect public health, safety, welfare, and groundwater resources.

Missouri: Air

The Department of Natural Resources adopted amendments to Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 10, §10-6.050, Start-up, Shutdown, and Malfunction Conditions. This rule, applicable to all installations in Missouri, provides the owner or operator of an installation the opportunity to submit data regarding conditions that result in excess emissions.