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Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources adopted emergency amendments to 10 CSR 20-7.031, Water Quality Standards. The amendment provides immediate authority to the Department of Natural Resources to use an alternative numeric criterion for E. coli bacteria in waters of the state that have a Whole Body Contact Recreation Category B designated use. p. 2415.

Montana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to ARM 17.38.101, 17.38.201A, 17.38.202, 17.38.203, 17.38.204, 17.38.208, 17.38.209, 17.38.216, 17.38.225, 17.38.234, and 17.38.239, pertaining to incorporation by reference of current federal regulations and other materials in the public water supply rules, and the adoption of a new rule pertaining to consecutive system coverage.

New Mexico: Air

The Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 20.11.63 NMAC, New Source Performance Standards For Stationary Sources; and 20.11.64 NMAC, Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Stationary Sources. The amendments will incorporate new federal standards. The hearing will be January 14, 2009.

New York: Wildlife

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on proposed amendments to sections 40.1 and 40.6 of Title 6 NYCRR, Management of Marine Commercial Fisheries for Weakfish and Black Sea Bass. The changes amend regulations for commercial limits on weakfish, construction of traps for black sea bass, and definition of total length. Comments are due February 2, 2009.

Oklahoma: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold two public hearings on proposed amendments to OAC 252:100-9, Excess Emission Reporting Requirements. The amendments would clarify and revise requirements and make them more compatible with U.S. EPA guidelines. The revised requirements establish an affirmative defense for certain excess emissions occurring during periods of startup, shutdown, or malfunction.

Tennessee: Waste

The Tennessee Solid Waste Disposal Control Board adopted amendments to Rule Chapter 1200-1-11 concerning used oil. The amendments regulate mixtures of conditionally exempt small quantities of hazardous waste and used oil as hazardous waste if it plainly endangers public health, welfare, or the environment.

Tennessee: Waste

The Department of Environment and Conservation will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 1200-01-11-.01, Hazardous Waste Management System: General; 1200-01-11-.02, Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; and 1200-01-11-.06, Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. The hearing will be January 15, 2009.

Texas: Water

The Texas Water Development Board proposed amendments to §363.16 regarding Pre-design Funding Option and §363.1005 regarding Approval of Engineering Feasibility Report. The proposed amendment to §363.16(b) would delete storage acquisition, state participation, and reservoir projects from the list of financial assistance programs that are currently not eligible for the pre-design funding option.