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Rhode Island: Air

The Department of Environmental Management adopted Air Pollution Control Regulation No. 49, Transportation Conformity. The rule ensures that federal funding is given to transportation plans, programs, and projects that are consistent with the air quality goals established by Rhode Island's SIP. The rule takes effect October 20, 2011. See

Oregon: Quantity

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted Or. Admin. R. Chapter 340.053, pertaining to the permitting of graywater reuse and disposal systems. The regulation establishes a public policy to encourage the reuse of graywater, requirements for reuse for the protection of public health, and design and construction standards for reuse and disposal systems, among other rules. The regulation defines three types of graywater based on level of treatment, establishes acceptable reuse activities, and creates a three-tier permitting system based on volume of graywater produced.

Oregon: Climate Change

The Public Utility Commission proposed to adopt Or. Admin. R. 860-085, pertaining to greenhouse gas emissions requirements. The rule would implement state laws regarding the greenhouse gas emissions standard applicable to electric companies and electricity service suppliers. There will be a public hearing October 19, 2011, and the deadline for comment is October 26. See (p. 30).

Oregon: Energy

The Department of Energy proposed to amend Or. Admin. R. 330-090, pertaining to the Business Energy Tax Credit. The amendments implement statutory changes to the sunset of the program and provide a process for participants to demonstrate "beginning construction before April 15, 2011" for the purpose of extending the time allowed to receive final certification of their facility. In addition, new rules provide for the administration of the Business Energy Tax Credit Manufacturing program from January 1, 2012. There will be a public hearing October 21, 2011.