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76 FR 64059

EPA proposed to exclude 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene and trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene from the definition of volatile organic compounds for SIP purposes. 

Nevada: Energy

The Department of Wildlife proposed to amend Nev. Admin. Code §§701.2-6, pertaining to energy development projects. Changes pertain to energy projects filed with the Department of Wildlife, and would require certain information to be included in applications, as well as require certain applicants to pay reimbursement costs to the Department. See

Maine: Quality

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend 06-096 Code Me. Regs. Ch. 530, Surface Waters Toxic Control Program. Changes would allow the Department to utilize allocations previously set aside as water quality reserves for future growth under certain circumstances when calculating limits for toxic substances. There will be a public hearing November 1, 2011, and the deadline for comment is December 1, 2011. See

Maine: Toxic Substances

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend 06-096 Code Me. Regs. Ch. 584, Surface Water Quality Criteria for Toxic Pollutants. Changes would alter the cancer risk level for inorganic arsenic used in calculating ambient water quality criteria and establish revised inorganic arsenic criteria. There will be a public hearing November 1, 2011, and the deadline for comment is December 1, 2011. See