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National Mining Ass'n v. Jackson

A district court held that EPA's Multi-Criteria Integrated Resource (MCIR) Assessment and Enhanced Coordination (EC) Process, adopted to screen mountaintop mining permits, violates the CWA and the APA. The MCIR Assessment involves EPA applying the CWA §404(b)(1) guidelines and directing the Corps o...

Utah: Quality

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Utah Admin. Code r. 317.8, Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. The rule would promulgate a new permit mandated by U.S. EPA for application of pesticides for control of: mosquito and other insect pests, weed and algae, aquatic nuisance animals, and forest canopy pests. The deadline for written comment is November 1, 2011, and the rule may become effective November 8.

Utah: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Utah Admin. Code r. 309.105.14, Operational Reports. Changes would give the Executive Secretary the authority to order an operational report for non-compliant systems and determine if submitted operational reports are satisfactory. The deadline for comment is October 31. See (pp. 30-31).

76 FR 64015

SIP Approval: Maryland (VOC standards for drum and pail coatings).