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Maine: Toxic Substances

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend 06-096 Code Me. Regs. Ch. 419, Maine Solid Waste Management Rules: Agronomic Utilization of Residuals. Changes would increase the screening concentration for arsenic for sewage sludge utilization from 10 mg/kg to 34 mg/kg. There will be a public hearing November 1, 2011, and the deadline for comment is December 1, 2011. See

Maine: Land Use

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend 06-096 Code Me. Regs. Ch. 692, Siting of Oil Storage Facilities. The amendment would allow for the storage of up to 1,100 gallons of diesel fuel for fueling heavy equipment used in the mining of sand and gravel from pits located in significant sand and gravel aquifers mapped by the Maine Geological Survey, among other changes.

Maine: Hazardous Substances

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend 06-096 Code Me. Regs. Ch. 378, Variance Criteria for the Excavation of Rock, Borrow, Topsoil, Clay or Silt and the Performance Standards for the Storage of Petroleum Products. Changes would allow licensed mining operation to store a small amount of diesel fuel on significant sand and gravel aquifers mapped by the Maine Geological Survey. There will be a public hearing November 3, 2011, and the deadline for comment is November 14.

Louisiana: Hazardous Substances

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to amend La. Admin. Code 33:V to amend the minimum pipeline safety requirements for hazardous liquids pipelines. Changes are necessary for Louisiana to continue to be consistent with federal regulations. There will be a public hearing October 27, 2011, and the deadline for comment is November 3. See (pp. 2859-86).

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend La. Admin. Code 33:III.317, Regulatory Permit for Rock, Concrete, and Asphalt Crushing Facilities. Changes would add a regulatory permit that authorizes air emissions from concrete, rock, and asphalt crushing facilities. There will be a public hearing October 26, 2011, and the deadline for comment is November 2. See (pp. 2815-17).