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Oregon: Energy

The Land Conservation and Development Department adopted amendments to rules concerning photovoltaic solar power generation facilities.

Oklahoma: Energy

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to regulations governing radiation management. The amendments would change the date for incorporating federal regulations by reference, and exclude the phrase “certificate holder” and “applicant for a certificate of compliance” to clearly indicate that these terms apply to NRC as NRC has sole authority for issuing a Certificate of Compliance. A hearing will be held January 16, 2024. Comments are due January 15, 2024.

North Carolina: Energy

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to regulations governing gasoline service stations and dispensing facilities. The amendments would increase the annual gasoline throughput limit under which gasoline service stations and dispensing facilities may remain a minor source for Title V permitting. A hearing will be held February 8, 2024. Comments are due March 4, 2024.

New Mexico: Climate Change

The Environmental Improvement Board adopted amendments to the state’s motor vehicle emission standards. The amendments update New Mexico’s standards to align with California’s standards for low emission and zero emission light- and medium-duty vehicles, and require new emission standards and reporting requirements identical to California’s for heavy-duty vehicles delivered for sale in New Mexico. See

New Jersey: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed amendments to regulations governing groundwater quality standards. The amendments would update criteria for 73 constituents based on EPA methodologies and the best available scientific information, introduce language for updating criteria, amend default values for body weight and drinking water consumption rate, adjust rounding provisions, and amend the remediation standards. A hearing will be held January 30, 2024. Comments are due March 2, 2024.

New Jersey: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Protection adopted by reference California’s Advanced Clean Cars II regulation, which will require manufacturers of passenger cars and light-duty trucks to meet an annual zero emission vehicle (ZEV) requirement intended to increase the percentage of ZEVs sold in New Jersey that meet the new minimum technical requirements, as well as impose more stringent exhaust emission standards.

New Hampire: Water

The Department of Environmental Services proposed interim rules for the implementation of the Cyanobacteria Mitigation Fund Program for eligible projects. The rules would establish eligibility criteria and application procedures for loans and grants to assist with projects to reduce the number of chronic and extended cyanobacteria blooms threatening water bodies in New Hampshire.