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New Hampshire: Waste

The Department of Health and Human Services proposed to readopt, with amendments, regulations governing the decommissioning and removal of radioactive waste. The amendments would clarify language, delete exemptions that are no longer applicable, and update the radiation dose limits. A hearing will be held January 10, 2024. Comments are due January 18, 2024.

New Hampshire: Energy

The Department of Environmental Services proposed to readopt, with amendments, rules governing the dam safety program. The amendments would, among other things, add new definitions to clarify or introduce information to aid dam owners and their agents in their efforts to comply with the requirements of the program, streamline the application process by incorporating various forms, reduce the design discharge requirement for certain dams, introduce enforceable dam maintenance and operational requirements, and clarify responsibilities for engineers designing or monitoring dams.

Montana: Water

The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation adopted new rules and amended existing rules concerning water right permitting.