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Juliana v. United States

A district court granted in part and denied in part the federal government's motion to dismiss a second amended complaint in an ongoing civil rights lawsuit brought by 21 young people. Plaintiffs argued the government promoted the exploitation of fossil fuels despite knowing its actions would signif...

United States v. Osage Wind, LLC

A district court on remand ordered that a commercial wind farm constructed on Osage Nation land be removed in a challenge brought against the farm's developers. The federal government argued the developers engaged in unauthorized mining and excavation in the Osage mineral estate without first obtain...

Stone v. High Mountain Mining Co., LLC

The Tenth Circuit reversed a district court finding of a CWA violation in a citizen suit brought against the operator of a gold mine in Colorado. Plaintiffs argued the operator violated the CWA because seepage from the mine's settling ponds flowed into the groundwater and then migrated to the Middle...

89 FR 1150

EPA proposed to update its Title V operating permit program regulations to clarify the limited situations in which requirements under the new source review preconstruction permitting program would be reviewed using EPA’s unique Title V oversight authorities. 

Lewis v. United States

The Fifth Circuit vacated a district court ruling in a decades-long dispute over whether a property in Louisiana contains federally regulated wetlands. The property owner sued the Army Corps of Engineers, arguing its determination that the property contained federal regulated wetlands was arbitrary ...

89 FR 1125

FWS initiated five-year status reviews under the ESA for the Aleutian shield fern and the Alaska breeding population of Steller’s eider. 

89 FR 1093

EPA released a decision framework for use by the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics New Chemicals Division for identification of eye irritation or corrosion hazards for new chemical substances based on prioritization of reproducible, human-relevant data. 

District of Columbia v. Exxon Mobil Corp.

The D.C. Circuit affirmed a district court order remanding to state court a climate liability suit brought against oil and gas companies. The District of Columbia initially sued in state court, arguing the companies deceived consumers about the causal link between fossil fuel usage and climate chang...