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New York: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Conservation proposed to adopt a new rule on uses of fluorinated greenhouse gases including sulfur hexafluoride in gas-insulated electrical equipment. The rule would adopt prohibitions and other controls on the use of sulfur hexafluoride, primarily in electrical power transmission and distribution equipment. Hearings will be held March 14, 2024. Comments are due March 21, 2024. See (pp.

New York: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Conservation proposed amendments to regulations governing hydrofluorocarbon standards and reporting. The amendments would, among other things, restructure the regulations to reflect requirements regarding new sources, reinforce administrative and recordkeeping requirements for manufacturers, expand enforcement provisions, and implement recommendations from the Climate Action Council Climate Change Scoping Plan needed to achieve the requirements of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Hearings will be held March 13, 2024.

Nevada: Water

The State Environmental Commission adopted amendments to regulations governing certification of laboratories that analyze soil, water, and hazardous waste, including revisions to categories of analytes, adjustments to fees for certification and testing methods, and clarification on travel expenses for evaluations, with additional updates to definitions and references. See

Massachusetts: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed amendments to regulations governing reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. The amendments would implement registration and greenhouse gas emissions reporting requirements for companies selling and distributing heating fuels to homes and businesses, including suppliers of natural gas, fuel oil, and propane, as well as implement a reporting requirement for fuel storage facilities. Hearings will be held February 6, 2024. Comments are due February 23, 2024.

Colorado: Water

The Department of Public Health and Environment adopted amendments to regulations governing water and wastewater facility operator certification requirements. The amendments increase the administered operator examination fee from $100 to $104, raise late fees for renewal applications submitted after the expiration date of the certificate being renewed, and shorten the eligibility period for retaking exams to 100 days, among other things.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board proposed amendments to regulations governing low carbon fuel standards. The amendments would require a 30% reduction in fuel carbon intensity (CI) by 2030 and a 90% reduction by 2045 from a 2010 baseline, implement a one-time, 5% reduction in the CI benchmark in 2025, eliminate the current exemption for intrastate fossil jet fuel starting in 2028, expand zero emission vehicle infrastructure crediting to the medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sector, and streamline quantification methods and analysis tools for low-carbon fuel production.

89 FR 1479

SIP Proposal: District of Columbia (removal of requirements for gasoline vapor recovery systems installed on gasoline dispensers). 

89 FR 1461

SIP Approval: Kentucky (stationary source emissions monitoring and reporting requirements).