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Maryland: Waste

The Department of Natural Resources proposed amendments to regulations governing the shell recycling tax credit. The amendments would rename the chapter “Shell Recycling Grant Program” and create a process for nonprofit organizations, community associations, restaurants, and seafood processors and dealers to donate oyster shells to an authorized shell recycling collector and receive grants based on the amount recycled. Comments are due February 12, 2024.

Maine: Energy

The Public Utilities Commission proposed amendments to regulations governing customer net energy billing (NEB). The amendments would update the NEB rule to reflect recently enacted legislation that lowered the size limit for solar and other projects participating in the NEB kWh credit program or the NEB tariff rate program as well as limited the eligibility for commercial and industrial projects participating in the NEB tariff rate program. A hearing will be held February 8, 2024. Comments are due February 23, 2024.

89 FR 3613

SIP Proposal: Kentucky (2015 eight-hour nonattainment new source review planning requirements for the Jefferson County portion of the Louisville, Kentucky-Indiana multistate nonattainment area). 

89 FR 3571

SIP Approval: Indiana (revisions to 2008 ozone maintenance plan for the Indiana portion of the Chicago Naperville, IL-IN-WI area). 

89 FR 3619

SIP Proposal: Indiana (revisions to 2008 ozone maintenance plan for the Indiana portion of the Chicago Naperville, IL-IN-WI area). 

89 FR 3620

SIP Proposal: New York (source-specific revision for Finch Paper LLC to address nitrogen oxide reasonably available control technology required for implementation of 2008 and 2015 ozone NAAQS). 

89 FR 3396

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree in South Coast Air Quality Management District v. U.S. EPA, No. 2:23-cv-02646-JLS-PD (C.D. Cal.), that would establish a deadline for EPA to take final action on a SIP revision submitted by the state of California.