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89 FR 3920

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree under the CAA in Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, No. 4:23-cv-03571-YGR (N.D. Cal.), that would establish a deadline for the EPA Administrator to sign a notice of final rulemaking on a California SIP submittal entitled “South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 2305, Warehouse Indirect Source RuleWarehouse Actions and Investments to Reduce Emissions Program.” 

89 FR 3922

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement under RCRA and CERCLA with St. Croix Petrochemical Corporation (SCPC), under which SCPC would transfer its remaining assets of approximately $1.7 million to help fund remediation of contamination caused by SCPC’s former Hovensa refinery in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. 

89 FR 3886

SIP Approval: Florida (miscellaneous changes). 

89 FR 3889

SIP Approval: Ohio (second 10-year limited maintenance plans for the 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter NAAQS for the Canton-Massillon, Cleveland-Akron-Lorain, and Steubenville-Weirton Ohio-West Virginia maintenance areas). 

Virginia: Water

The State Water Control Board proposed to reissue, with amendments, the Virginia Pollutant Abatement (VPA) regulation and general permit for animal feeding operations and animal waste management. The amendments would, among other things, add definitions, specify conditions for groundwater monitoring plans, modify animal waste storage conditions, and require submission of approved nutrient management plan revisions. A hearing will be held March 5, 2024. Comments are due March 15, 2024.

Vermont: Water

The Agency of Natural Resources proposed to adopt a new antidegradation implementation rule. The rule would describe the process for implementing Vermont’s antidegradation policy and would include a list of permits subject to antidegradation review, the required public process, the three-tiered analysis of water quality impacts, and an analysis for determining allowable reductions in receiving water quality based on socioeconomic impacts. A hearing will be held February 17, 2024. Comments are due February 19, 2024.

Vermont: Toxic Substances

The Department of Health proposed amendments to regulations governing lead control. The amendments would change the information required to obtain RRPM firm licenses, modify the RRPM activities that licensed owners can conduct on their own properties, align the regulations with federal law by adding a hands-on component to lead-safe RRPM refresher training and defining “Dry disposable cleaning cloth,” and revise lead-based paint inspector training requirements for consistency with other states. A hearing will be held February 20, 2024. Comments are due February 27, 2024.

Texas: Waste

The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission proposed amendments to regulations governing the exportation and importation of waste. The amendments would, among other things, describe which facilities are subject to reporting requirements, expand the definition of radioactive material that may become low-level radioactive waste, revise reporting timelines, specify information to be reported. Comments are due February 11, 2024.