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California: Air

The South Coast Air Quality Management District will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Regulation III, Fees. Fee adjustments are proposed for specific programs, including: voluntary expedited review requests for Procedure 4 and 5 Plans; Rule 2202 Employee Commute Reduction Program training classes; review and enforcement of Smoke Management Plans, Burn Management Plans, Emergency Burn Plans, and Post Burn Evaluation Reports; Voluntary High Average Vehicle Ridership No-Fault Inspections requests; and requests for amendment of Employee Commute Reduction Program plans.

California: Air

The South Coast Air Quality Management District will hold a public hearing on proposed adoption of Rule 433, Natural Gas Quality. The objectives of the proposed rule are to monitor and determine the effects of new supplies of imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the quality of natural gas being supplied to end users, and to mitigate increases of air pollutant emissions caused by natural gas quality changes.

California: Air

The South Coast Air Quality Management District will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Rule 1401, New Source Review of Toxic Air Contaminants and Impact Assessment for Facilities Subject to Rule 1402, Control of Toxic Air Contaminants from Existing Sources. The amendments would add ethyl benzene as a carcinogen to the list of toxic air contaminants and reduce adverse public health impacts associated with exposure to ethyl benzene emissions, primarily from fuel storage and transfer, fuel combustion, coatings, and chemical processes. The hearing will be held June 5, 2009.

California: Water

The Board of Forestry and Fire Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14, §§916.9, 936.9, and 956.9, Protection and Restoration in Watersheds with Threatened or Impaired Values. These regulations define planning and operational requirements for timber harvesting in planning watersheds where state or federally listed threatened, endangered, or candidate populations of anadromous salmonids are present or where they can be restored. The hearing will be held June 24, 2009.

California: Wildlife

The Fish and Game Commission will hold a public hearing on proposals to amend Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14, §670.5, Animals of California Declared to be Endangered or Threatened. The amendments would add the longfin smelt to the list of threatened fish. The hearing will be held June 25, 2009. pp. 699-701.

Illinois: Waste

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency adopted amendments to Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, §1450, Procedures for Operation of the Potentially Infectious Medical Waste Transporter Fee System. The amendments remove the reference to a specific fee amount and replace it with a generic reference to the fee required. Also, in response to an adjusted standard granted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board, language is added allowing the Agency to provide the same change by permit.

Massachusetts: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection promulgated new rules at 314 Mass. Code Regs. 19.00, Oil Spill Prevention and Response Regulations. The Department's emergency oil spill prevention and response regulations provide for 24-hour notice of intent for tank vessels carrying 6,000 barrels or more of oil in Buzzards Bay. The new rules make the oil spill prevention and response regulations effective beyond the three-month time period that the emergency regulation is in effect, but do not include provisions related to rescue tug services.

Massachusetts: Wildlife

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed rules to 310 Mass. Code Regs. 10.00 and 314 Mass. Code Regs. 9.00, Water Quality Certification Regulations. The proposed amendments are intended to address the infestation of the Asian Longhorn Beetle in central Massachusetts. The amendments would make permanent the emergency regulations that were promulgated earlier this year, and allow for work in wetlands in order to eradicate an infestation of Asian longhorned beetles.

Nevada: Air

The State Environmental Commission adopted amendments to Nev. Admin. Code §445, relating to air quality. The amendments define the term "best available retrofit technology" for certain purposes relating to regional haze and set the standards for emission limitation for that technology for certain sources.