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Oregon: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will hold public hearings on proposed rules that would require sources to report greenhouse gas emissions to DEQ. The draft rules propose that all Title V Air Quality Operating Permit holders and certain Air Contaminant Discharge Permit holders in Oregon report their greenhouse gas emissions annually to DEQ, beginning with the 2009 reporting year.

Oregon: Land use

The Department of State Lands will conduct public hearings to consider amending rules governing special uses on land managed by the Department. The proposed amendments are required to accommodate uses of state-owned land that are not currently addressed in the rules now in effect.

Oregon: Governance

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) revised two Oregon Administrative Rules that direct the Department's rulemaking procedures. These changes were necessary to comply with Senate Bill 107, Section 3, that the 2007 legislature enacted. DEQ revised OAR 340-011-0010 to accommodate new requirements when noticing an intent to adopt, amend, or repeal DEQ administrative rules. Also, the agency revised OAR 340-011-0029(1) and (2) to reflect the new requirements regarding DEQ disclosure of the relationship between proposed administrative rules and applicable federal requirements.

Pennsylvania: Wildlife

The Game Commission is soliciting public comment on the proposal to amend §137.1, relating to the importation, possession, sale, and release of certain wildlife, to require propagation, exotic wildlife dealer, and exotic wildlife possession permit holders to acquire an importation permit prior to importing any wildlife into the commonwealth and to prohibit the importation, possession, sale, and release of all non-human primates within the commonwealth. Comments are due April 18, 2008.

South Carolina: Air

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control will conduct a public hearing in the matter of the proposal to amend the South Carolina Air Quality SIP to meet obligations of the U.S. EPA. The Department proposes to amend its SIP to address the requirements of the transportation conformity rule amendments for the new PM 2.5 NAAQS precursors and amendments to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) pursuant to §176(c) of the CAA. The hearing will be held April 28, 2008. Comments are due April 28, 2008.

Texas: Waste

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will conduct a hearing to consider the adoption of amendments to §§285.2 - 285.6, 285.8, 285.13, 285.21, 285.30, 285.32 - 285.34, 285.50, 285.60 - 285.65, 285.70, 285.71, 280.90, and 285.91, concerning on-site sewage disposal systems. The commission also proposes the repeal of §285.7 and a new §285.7. The proposed rules implement requirements in House Bill 2482, 80th Legislature, 2007, for persons who service or maintain on-site sewage disposal systems using aerobic treatment. The hearing will be held April 29, 2008. Comments are due May 5, 2008.