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New Jersey: Wildlife

The Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to the Coastal Permit Program rules, N.J.A.C. 7:7, and the Coastal Zone Management rules, N.J.A.C. 7:7E.

New Mexico: Air

The New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board will hold a public hearing to consider the matter of EIB 07-16 (R), the proposed repeal and replacement of Air Quality Control Regulation 20.2.7 NMAC, Excess Emissions During Malfunction, Startup, Shutdown, or Scheduled Maintenance, and EIB 08-07(R), proposed revisions to 20.2.70 NMAC, Operating Permits. The hearing will be held June 2, 2008.

North Carolina: Water

The Environmental Management Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider the amendments of rules cited as 15A NCAC 02B .0225, .0303. in order to reclassify the Horsepasture River. The Sierra Club requested that Horsepasture River (Jackson and Transylvania Counties) in the Savannah River Drainage Area be reclassified to Outstanding Resource Waters. The purpose of this rule change is to provide supplementary protection for the resources and quality of these waters. The hearing will be held June 2, 2008. Comments are due June 2, 2008.

Oregon: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will hold a public hearing on proposed rules that would authorize the Environmental Quality Commission to implement CAA requirements for agriculture in Oregon. Once adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission, DEQ will submit the revised rules to U.S. EPA for approval as a revision of the SIP. This will resolve the petition received by U.S. EPA in 2005. The hearing will be held May 19, 2008. Comments are due May 23, 2008.

Oregon: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted temporary rules concerning the plant site emission limit applicability rule. The applicability rules for the plant site emission limit (PSEL) rule in OAR 340 division 222 are being amended to exempt chemical substances regulated under the accidental release prevention rule and the early reduction high risk pollutants rule. Sources subject to the PSEL rule will not have to be assigned a plant site emission limit for the exempted substances. This rule is effective March 6 through September 1, 2008.