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New Jersey: Wildlife

The Department of Environmental Protection seeks public comments on proposed amendments to N.J. Admin. Code §7:25A, Oysters. The proposed amendments concern the management and harvest of oysters in Delaware Bay and the rules regarding oyster dredge vessel licenses. The proposed rules additionally reorganize the existing subchapters and incorporate provisions reflecting how the fishery has been operating since the start of the direct market harvest season in 1996. Comments are due July 31, 2009.

Ohio: Air

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Ohio Admin. Code 3745:109-01, 3745:109-04, 3745:109-07, 3745:109-08, 3745:109-11, 3745:109-12, 3745:109-13, 3745:109-14, 3745:109-17, 3745:109-18, 3745:109-19, 3745:109-20, and 3745:109-21, Ohio's Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). The changes are necessary as a result of comments submitted by U.S. EPA after the end of Ohio's CAIR final rulemaking process. The hearing will be June June 2, 2009.

Nevada: Air

The State Environmental Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider the adoption of Regulation RXXX-08: Adopt By Reference Air Pollution/Air Quality Regulations. This regulation updates NAC 445B.221, Adoption by reference and applicability of certain provisions of federal law and regulations. The Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is proposing to adopt into the state regulation sections of the federal new source performance standards and NESHAP rules that have been adopted by the U.S. EPA and published in the Federal Register. The hearing will be held June 17, 2008.

Nevada: Land use

The State Environmental Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider the adoption of Regulation P2008-11, Administrative Changes to Chapter 519A, Reclamation of Land Subject to Mining Operations or Exploration Projects. This proposed regulation provides clarification of surface ownership for lands affected by applications for reclamation permits. The hearing will be held June 17, 2008. pp. 4-5.

Nevada: Water

The State Environmental Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider the adoption of Regulation R160-06, Proposed Changes to Water Quality Standards. This proposed regulation makes two categories of changes to the Nevada Administrative Code: (1) standards adjustments and additions to the Class Waters, 445A.124 through 445A.127, and; (2) an administrative reorganization of Water Quality Standards Tables, NAC 445A.124 through 127 and 445A.146 through 225. The hearing will be held June 17, 2008.

Nevada: Water

The State Environmental Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider the adoption of amendments to the water quality regulations and water quality criteria for the Muddy River, located in northeast Clark County, Nevada. The hearing will be held June 17, 2008. p. 3.