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Indiana: Water

The Water Pollution Control Board will hold a public hearing on 327 Ind. Admin. Code 2-1, establishing water quality standards for waters of the state; 327 Ind. Admin. Code 5-2 and 327 Ind. Admin. Code 5-4, concerning NPDES rules; 327 Ind. Admin. Code 8-2 and 8-2.5, establishing the drinking water standards and the disinfectants and disinfection requirements in public water supply, respectively; 327 Ind. Admin. Code 15-13, establishing rules under the NPDES General Permit System for storm water run-off associated with municipal separate storm sewer system conveyances; and 327 Ind. Admin.

Iowa: Water

The Department of Natural Resources adopted emergency amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 9, Groundwater Hazard Documentation. The amendments improve the implementation of the septic tank time-of-transfer requirements and simplify for county recorders the determination of when a Groundwater Hazard Statement is required. pp. 322-23.

Iowa: Water

The Environmental Protection Commission will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 61, Appendix B § Outstanding Iowa Waters. Several have been removed based on a scientific review of existing water quality conditions that do not meet the proposed criteria for Outstanding Iowa Waters at this time and the potential adverse regulatory impacts. In addition, several new creeks have been added based on a scientific review of existing water quality conditions that do meet the proposed criteria for Outstanding Iowa Waters.

Kentucky: Air

The Division of Air Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 401 Ky. Admin. Regs. 60:005, concerning 40 C.P.A. Part 60 standards of performance for new stationary sources; and 401 Ky. Admin. Regs. 60:671, Repeal of 401 Ky. Admin. Regs. 60:670. The proposed amendment to 401 Ky. Admin. Regs. 60:005 would adopt federal regulations that were previously adopted with alternative compliance standards in 401 Ky. Admin. Regs. 60:670 due to a potential safety concern in a monitoring provision. 401 Ky. Admin. Regs. 60:671 would repeal 401 Ky. Admin. Regs.

Montana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Mont. Admin. RR. 17.50.403, 17.50.410, 17.50.501 through 17.50.503, 17.50.508, 17.50.509, and 17.50.513; and the repeal of Mont. Admin. RR. 17.50.505, 17.50.506, 17.50.510, 17.50.511, 17.50.526, 17.50.530, 17.50.531, 17.50.542, 17.50.701, 17.50.702, 17.50.705 through 17.50.710, 17.50.715, 17.50.716, and 17.50.720 through 17.50.726, pertaining to the licensing and operation of solid waste landfill facilities. The hearing will be November 4, 2009.

Montana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Mont. Admin. RR. 17.38.101, 17.38.208, 17.38.225, 17.38.229, 17.38.231, and 17.38.513, pertaining to plans for public water or wastewater systems, treatment requirements, control tests, microbial treatment, sanitary surveys, and chemical treatment of water; the adoption of New Rules I through IV, pertaining to ground water, initial distribution system evaluations, stage 2 disinfection byproducts requirements, and enhanced treatment for cryptosporidium; and the repeal of Mont. Admin. RR.