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Alabama: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Management will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Ala. Admin. Code r. 335-6-16-.07, Trust Fund Fee and Charge; 335-6-16-.09, Scope of Tank Trust Fund Coverage. The changes would establish the annual Trust Fund Charge and scope of Trust Fund coverage, effective January 1, 2010. The Trust Fund Charge is proposed at $0.0125 per gallon, and the scope of Trust Fund coverage is proposed at $1.1 million per incident.

Arkansas: Toxic substances

The Pollution Control and Ecology Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Commission Regulation No. 12, which governs the Arkansas Regulated Storage Tank (RST) program. The proposed revisions are designed to make Regulation No. 12 comply with state and federal legislation affecting the state's RST program, specifically Act 264 of the 2007 Arkansas General Assembly, Act 282 of the 2009 Arkansas General Assembly, and the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005. The hearing will be August 31, 2009.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 17, §§94508, 94509, 94510, 94511, 94512, 94513, and 94515, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in Consumer Products and Reactive Organic Compounds in Aerosol Coating Products. The proposed regulatory action would amend the existing Consumer Products Regulation by adding and modifying product category definitions and by establishing new or lower VOC limits for three categories: Double Phase Aerosol Air Fresheners; Multi-Purpose Solvents; and Paint Thinners.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 13, §1961, California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for 2001 and Subsequent Model Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles. The proposed amendments would provide affected manufacturers with the ability to demonstrate compliance based on their fleet average of vehicles produced and delivered for sale in California, the District of Columbia, and in all states that have adopted and can enforce California's greenhouse gas emission standards, pursuant to CAA §177.

California: Governance

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 27, §25903, Notice of Violation. The amendments would allow 60-day notices on Proposition 65 actions to be sent to prosecutors via electronic mail if the prosecutor has consented to such service. Comments are due August 28, 2009. pp. 1164-65.

Colorado: Water

The Department of Public Health and the Environment will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 5 Colo. Code Regs. §1002-31, Basic Standards and Methodologies for Surface Water; and 5 Colo. Code Regs. §1002-41, Basic Standards for Ground Water. The amendments include an extension of effective dates of standards for nonylphenol and 1, 4 dioxane. The hearing will be October 13, 2009.

Colorado: Water

The Department of Public Health and the Environment will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 5 Colo. Code Regs. §1003-2, Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Certification Requirements. The amendments would clarify provisions regarding the timing operator certificate expiration and revise provisions regarding class 2 industrial wastewater treatment facilities to address an "incorporation by reference" issue. The hearing will be September 29, 2009.

Connecticut: Wildlife

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Conn. Agencies Regs. §§26-306-4, 26-306-5, and 26-306-6. The proposed amendments would update the lists of species that are endangered, threatened, or of special concern. The hearing will be September 16, 2009.

Delaware: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Del. Code Ann. tit. 7, §1138, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories. The purpose of this proposed amendment is to provide increased protection for Delaware citizens against a variety of potential adverse health effects linked to a long-term exposure to cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, or nickel compounds. The hearing will be August 25, 2009.