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Nebraska: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 132 Neb. Admin. Code §002-003, 008-009, 012, and 014, relating to Solid Waste and Landfills. The amendments address solid waste permitting requirements, inventory turnover needed to qualify for permitting exception, extension of grants for new scrap tire projects to June 1, 2014, and provision of grants for deconstruction of abandoned buildings in second class villages and counties.

New Hampshire: Water

The Department of Environmental Services will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to N.H. Code Admin. R. Env-Wt 101, 303, 304, 501, 506, 801, 803, 804, and 900, relating to stream crossings. The changes would clarify the definition of "intermittent stream;" propose definitions for "100-year floodplain," "ephemeral stream," "perennial stream," "stream crossing," "stream restoration," and "watercourse;" and strengthen the criteria for design and approval of stream crossings. The hearings will be September 1, 3, and 8, 2009.

New Jersey: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to N.J. Admin. Code §7:7A-16, Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act. The amendments increase the maximum penalty from $10,000 to $25,000, lengthen the time in which a person may request a hearing to challenge an administrative enforcement action, and include the alleged violator's conduct as a basis for assessing a penalty (in addition to violation type, seriousness, and duration).

New York: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Conservation seeks public comment on proposed amendments to N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6, §325.7, Pesticide Applicator Certification and Direct Supervision Requirements. The amendments would exempt persons authorized to apply 100% corn oil to bird eggs from pesticide applicator certification requirements. Comments are due September 28, 2009.

New York: Water

The Delaware River Basin Commission, a federal-state regional agency, will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Commission's Water Quality Regulations, Water Code and Comprehensive Plan.

Illinois: Water

The Environmental Protection Agency amended 35 Ill. Adm. Code 365, Procedures for Issuing Loans from the Water Pollution Control Loan Program, and 662, Procedures For Issuing Loans From the Public Water Supply Loan Program. Changes amend the interest rate charged for loans, allow principal forgiveness, streamline the loan application process, and add provisions to address green infrastructure projects in accordance with the Agency's Capitalization Grant Agreement with U.S. EPA. The amendments took effect November 8, 2010.

Illinois: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to amend 17 Ill. Adm. Code 1010, Illinois List of Endangered and Threatened Fauna. Changes would add language to state that species or subspecies designated as federally endangered or threatened are included on the list, and add the Northern Riffleshell to the list as a result of the department's reintroduction of the species into two Illinois streams. The deadline for comment is January 10, 2011.