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Udall v. Federal Power Comm'n

The Federal Power Commission's 1964 decision to grant licenses to a private power consortium for the development of hydroelectric power projects at High Mountain Sheep on the Snake River is reversed, because issues regarding whether the federal government, rather than the private sector, should deve...

Ohio v. Wyandotte Chem. Corp.

The state of Ohio's motion for leave to file a bill of complaint in the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, against three chemical manufacturers incorporated outside the state, is denied without prejudice. The state of Ohio sought to abate mercury pollution in Lake Erie that allegedly origin...

Reuss v. Moss-American, Inc.

Defendants' motions for dismissal granted in two consolidated qui tam actions in which plaintiff was attempting to recover one-half of any fines levied against defendants for violations of the Refuse Act. Citing Bass Anglers Sportsman Society v. U.S. Plywood-Champion Papers, Inc., 1 ELR 20143 (S.D. ...

Soucie v. David

District court's dismissal of suit under the Freedom of Information Act to compel the Director of the Office of Science and Technology to make public a report on the supersonic transport originally prepared for Dr. Lee A. Dubridge, then-Science Advisor to the president, reversed and case remanded fo...

2,606.84 Acres of Land v. United States

Petition for certiorari denied without opinion. Justices Douglas and Black, in dissent, express concern that in preparing for the construction of the Benbrook Dam and Reservoir Project, authorized by Congress in 1945, the Army Corps of Engineers has exceeded its statutory authority by taking petitio...

National Helium Corp. v. Morton

Secretary of the Interior's cancellation of contracts for the extraction and sale of helium to government that were awarded under National Helium Act, 50 U.S.C. §§167 et seq. are enjoined pending court review. The Secretary's exercise of discretionary authority under the National Helium Act, so as...

Sierra Club v. Hardin

Suit to enjoin the sale of timber and patent of land in the Tongass National Forest dismissed. Plaintiffs, national and local conservation organizations, having standing to represent the interests of their members who will suffer direct and obvious injury to their aesthetic, conservational and recre...

Paepcke v. Public Bldg. Comm'n of Chicago

Chicago residents and taxpayers have standing to challenge the Chicago Park District's decision to use parklands held in the public trust as sites for public schools and recreation facilities. The Public Building Commission Act, two amendments to the School Code and an amendment to the Park District...

Aiple Towing Co. v. Voight

Request for interim relief from state prosecution under Wisconsin statute which regulates pollution of the Mississippi River by boats denied, because record inadequate to support finding that application of statute to plaintiff would constitute (1) violation of equal protection clause of the fourtee...

Lever Bros. Co. v. Federal Trade Comm'n

Defendant Federal Trade Commission's motion to dismiss or for summary judgment granted in suit in which plaintiff detergent manufacturers' requested declaratory and injunctive relief restraining the FTC from proceeding further with proposed rulemaking under which, if the rule were adopted, synthetic...