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Roberts v. Michigan

Taxpayer's suit against Michigan's Secretary of State and state highway department director seeking injunction against issuance of motor vehicle licenses or permission for use by automobiles of state roads and highways until vigorous new emission standards are imposed by or at the direction of the c...

Kirk v. United States

Where plaintiffs suffered injury caused by sonic booms in connection with development of the supersonic transport, where the FAA had publicly assured local residents that damages so caused would be reimbursed by the federal government, and where the conduct of the government was neither wrongful nor...

Opinion of the Justices

A Massachusetts statute that authorizes the state's issuance of bonds and use of the proceeds for loans to private businesses to construct industrial waste treatment facilities for the prevention of water pollution violates the state constitution's prohibition of the use of the credit of the Commonw...

Knight v. West Ala. Envtl. Improvement Auth.

The Alabama Environmental Improvement Act of 1969 does not violate the provisions of the state constitution which prohibit: (1) state participation or interest in private business enterprises; (2) state involvement in works of internal improvement or loan of its funds for such purposes; (3) the auth...

Sigety v. State Bd. of Health

The exemption of open pit mining, of strip mining for coal, of irrigation water exits and of gravel extraction from the Montana Dredge Mining Regulation and Land Preservation Act of 1969 violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, because the exempted mining techniques are as harmful...

United States v. 40.60 Acres of Land

The taking by condemnation of properties serviced by a water utility company does not enable the company to recover for damage done to the easement rights by means of which the company services the property, even though the indirect effect of the government's dominion and control of the condemned pr...

Allyn v. United States

Plaintiffs, 99 quarantine inspectors stationed at various points of entry into the United States (including automobile border crossing inspection stations), are not entitled to recover either on their claim for overtime pay or on their hazardous duty pay claim. Plaintiffs alleged that they were enti...

Palladio, Inc. v. Diamond

Manufacturer of crocodile skin shoes barred by New York State's Mason Act—designed to protect endangered species—from selling its wares in that state is not entitled to have three-judge federal district court hear its argument that the Act, as applied, violates the Due Process Clause of the Four...

Matthews v. Florida-Vanderbilt Dev. Corp.

Another qui tam action brought to collect penalty fees under and enjoin future violations of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 disallowed by the court. On authority of Durning v. ITT Rayonier, 1 ELR 20040 (W.D. Wash. 1970), Bass Anglers v. U.S. Steel, 1 ELR 20101 (N.D., M.D. & S.D. Ala. 1970), ...

Kerpelman v. Board of Pub. Works

Baltimore County resident and taxpayer seeking to nullify state sale of Worcester County marshlands and wetlands to developers on grounds that consideration was so grossly inadequate as to suggest fraud or collusion and that transaction would result in ecological disaster in violation of public trus...