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Northeast Area Welfare Rights Org. v. Volpe

Plaintiffs' request denied for a preliminary injunction against further implementation of the planned North/South Freeway connector in Spokane, because (1) federal causes alleged under (a) Highway Act provisions governing the relocation of persons displaced by freeways, (b) the National Environmenta...

Lloyd Harbor Study Group, Inc. v. Seaborg

Atomic Energy Commission's denial of request at hearing to consider evidence of nonradiological thermal pollution, and refusal to determine effects of National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 in permit hearings on construction of New York nuclear power station, not reviewable by federal district co...

United States v. District Court in & for Eagle County

The United States' reserved rights to water within a particular state's jurisdiction, like any rights to water within a state's jurisdiction that the United States may acquire under state law, are subject to binding decision in courts of the state. The consent-to-be-sued provision of the Reclamation...

United States v. District Court in & for Water Div. No. 5

State proceedings which determine all rights to the water of a particular river system within a state, although initiated anew each month to adjust rights of new claimants, consitute general adjudication within the meaning of the Reclamation Act, and the United States has consented to be joined in s...

Aaron v. Los Angeles, City of

Noise caused by jet aircraft flying over or near residential properties in the neighborhood of Los Angeles International Airport that results in a substantial diminution in the market value of these properties, constitutes a "taking or damaging" of property within the meaning of the California Const...

Pax Co. of Utah v. United States

Chemical herbicide manufacturer granted preliminary injunction restraining Secretary of Agriculture from cancelling the registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) of crabgrass control products for use around the home, unless such action is based upon sufficien...

State v. Slotness

Riparian owner of dry upland property on shore of navigable lake, who created new dry land out to point of navigability by artificial land fill, is entitled to just compensation upon public taking of new land for highway purposes.
Counsel for Plaintiff:Douglas Head Attorney GeneralEric Shulte Deput...

Seadade Indus. v. Florida Power & Light Co.

Where independent government agencies charged with safeguarding natural resources must ultimately approve project involving condemnation, condemning authority must demonstrate that it has a reasonable probability of obtaining approval and that condemnation will not result in irreparable harm should ...

Kalman v. Hutcheson

Failure of plaintiff to establish title to submerged land fatal to claim for removal of obstructions to flow of brook and to claim for damages. Even were title to exist, evidence showed defendant and predecessors had not abandoned flowage rights created by dam although dam washout in 1956 was not fu...

Northern States Power Co. v. Minnesota

Congress has exercised its constitutional power to preempt the field of regulation of radioactive releases by atomic energy generating plants in passing the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and the 1959 amendment to that act. 42 U.S.C. §§2011 et seq. Consequently, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency m...