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Sierra Club v. Froehlke

A grant of summary judgment in favor of the Corps of Engineers regarding the adequacy of an EIS for a flood control dam project is affirmed, after the court finds that the Corps objectively and comprehensively considered the project's environmental consequences. The district court should have review...

State v. Jersey Cent. Power & Light Co.

The operator of a nuclear electricity-generating plant that caused a fish kill by discharging cold water into a tidal creek normally kept warm by discharges from the plant, is held liable both for penalties under a statute prohibiting discharges, and for money damages to the state under the trust do...

United States v. Skil Corp.

The court denies a motion to suppress evidence in a criminal action for water pollution against a corporation after finding that the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, §1161, was not intended to provide for corporate immunity through the actions of corporate employees. The person in charge of a f...

Mowry v. Central Elec. Power Coop.

The court upholds a threshold determination by the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) that a power line project that the agency is funding does not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the environment, and it therefore dissolves an injunction against construction of the ...

Montgomery v. Ellis

The court grants summary judgment against the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and enjoins a stream channelization project in Alabama because the agency failed to file an adequate environmental impact statement. The EIS filed by the Service did not set forth the physical characteristics of the project...

Maine v. Fri

The court affirms a district court's interim order requiring the Administrator of EPA to allot $29,025,000 to Maine in fiscal year 1973 under the FWPCA Amendments of 1972. The order, which prohibited obligation of the funds allotted until further order by the court, was equivalent to a preliminary i...

Metropolitan Wash. Coalition for Clean Air v. Department of Economic Dev.

The District of Columbia City Council's closing of a public alley after receipt of a recommendation from a federal agency that this would facilitate construction of a private parking garage does not constitute major federal action for the purpose of NEPA. The court thus denies a motion for a prelimi...

Ohio ex rel. Brown v. Callaway

A preliminary injunction is issued prohibiting the Corps of Engineers from undertaking further environment-altering activities on two dam projects until an adequate environmental impact statement is filed. The court finds that two previously submitted impact statements do not meet the requirements o...

Selby Realty Co. v. San Buenaventura, City of

In an action by a land developer for declaratory relief, damages, and a writ of mandate, the California Supreme Court rules that a joint city-county general development plan that proposes a street extension through plaintiff's property constitutes neither inverse condemnation nor a taking of plainti...

Southern Ill. Asphalt Co. v. EPA

The Illinois Environmental Protection Act's provision requiring a permit from the state Environmental Protection Agency to install or operate equipment capable of causing pollution is neither unconstitutionally vague nor an illegal delegation of legislative authority. The sections of the Act which g...