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88 FR 80594

EPA finalized amendments to the new source performance standards for secondary lead smelters, and finalized the use of EPA Method 22 (Visual Determination of Fugitive Emissions From Material Sources and Smoke Emissions From Flares) as an alternative for demonstrating compliance with the opacity limit. 

88 FR 80680

SIP Proposal: Kentucky (stationary source emissions monitoring and reporting requirements for Jefferson County). 

88 FR 80655

SIP Proposal: New Hampshire (regional haze). 

88 FR 80717

EPA invited public comment to inform the domestic availability of multiple products used in the construction, alteration, and/or maintenance of water infrastructure. 

88 FR 80715

EPA entered into a proposed CERCLA §122(g)(4) de minimus landowner administrative settlement agreement for parties associated with the Fansteel Metals/FMRI Superfund site in Muskogee, Oklahoma. 

88 FR 80682

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis following the completion of a Small Business Advocacy Review Panel for the proposed New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units. 

88 FR 80764

United States v. Cleveland-Cliffs Burns Harbor LLC, No. 23-381 (N.D. Ind. Nov. 8, 2023). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling CERCLA defendant that allegedly released cyanide and ammonia into the East Branch of the Little Calumet River during an August 2019 incident, which led to beach closures, a fish kill, and other natural resource damages, must donate and conserve two approximately one-acre parcels of land bordering the East Branch of the Little Calumet River and near the Indiana Dunes National Park, pay $409,533 to the DOI Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Fund, and pay $590,173 to the governments for reimbursement of natural resource damages assessment costs.

Wisconsin: Water

The Department of Natural Resources adopted amendments to its water supply regulations. The amendments update, correct, and clarify existing code requirements, and add requirements for new technologies related to community drinking water system sources, source water quality, storage, treatment, and distribution.